Construction begins August 1, 2022 and lasts for approximately four weeks.
Service Affected
Neighborhoods Affected
Route(s) Affected
Construction for the Evans Avenue Quick-Build Project will be Starting Monday, August 1 and beginning at Evans Avenue and Cesar Chavez and heading towards Newhall Street. View the Project Design.
Week 1 (starting August 1) – SFMTA Shop crews will be assessing the roadway “Cat-tracking” and making markings
Week 2 to Week 4 (starting August 6)
- Remove two bus zones on Evans Avenue east of Cesar Chavez Street and install new bus zone on Evans Avenue at Marin Street
- Install bike lanes, lane lines and painted safety zones
- Install, replace, and remove traffic and parking signs as legislated
- Install speed humps and white delineators in the bike lane buffers
What to expect during construction?
- Construction will most likely occur between the hours of 7 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday.
- Pedestrian pathways and access to driveways and commercial buildings will be maintained at all times.
- At times, there may be temporary intersection or lane closures as crews perform work (i.e., removing and adding roadway and curb color paint, installing plastic delineators and signs), resulting in possible travel delays. Please incorporate extra travel time to your trips during construction.
- Traffic will be routed around construction activity as necessary, but will not be detoured.
If you have questions or comments please reach out to Adrienne Heim, Transportation Planner,, 415.646.2564.

Adrienne Mau
Transportation Planner, Streets Division | Parking & Curb Management