Image: Pedestrians crossing diagonally from the 48 Quintara/24th Street bus stop to West Portal Station. A planned change to the stop location is designed to make this common transfer safer and easier for all users of the corridor.
West Portal Transit Delay Reduction Pilot Approved
On Tuesday, May 21 the SFMTA Board voted to approve the pilot project with all proposed elements. Although the Board voted to move forward, they reiterated the desire to keep a close eye on the changes to ensure that they are achieving the desired transit delay reduction outcomes without adversely affecting West Portal merchants.
We’d like to thank everyone who weighed in on the proposed elements – we made several changes to respond to the feedback we heard, and the approved project is better as a result of this engagement.
Tentative Timeline for the Pilot and Implementation
- Happening now: Data collection on conditions prior to pilot changes
- Week of June 3rd: New traffic signs and street markings installed
- June 8: 48 Quintara/24th Street bus stop and route changes
- Summer and Fall 2019: Pilot Data collection and observation
- Late Fall 2019: Pilot evaluation and report back to community
Changes to the 48 line are planned to begin on Saturday, June 8, 2019
Loading Zone Changes
The SFMTA received feedback from several local merchants about a lack of adequate commercial loading zones for large trucks near West Portal. This often leads to double parked vehicles or difficult deliveries. In order to better accommodate vital deliveries for many businesses, a final related proposal is being considered this Friday at an SFMTA Color Curb Hearing.
The proposal would relocate and extend the yellow commercial loading zone on Ulloa between West Portal and Claremont. Since this change would displace a green short term parking zone, it is proposed to be replaced with 2 green zones in the nearby parking lot.
Proposed changes include extending commercial loading zones on Ulloa to better serve local merchants.
If you want to comment on the these changes, you can do so in the following ways:
- In person at the hearing on Friday, May 24, 2019 at 10:00 am, Room 416, SF City Hall
- Via email to
More information about the hearing:
Data Collection and Project Website
A newly updated Data Collection Plan is now available that describes the data that we will collect to gauge the performance of the pilot. This plan was revised to incorporate feedback received from stakeholders.
Please also see our website for the full pilot plan which was based on feedback gathered from local stakeholders including merchants, residents and Muni riders. There is also a link to download the most project recent flier.
Check out the website here: