SF Public Works will hold a public hearing on proposed new 38/38R Geary bus shelters on Wednesday, July 24th at 10:00am via Zoom. These proposed shelters will replace the ones that were removed when bus stops were relocated across the street from the near-side to the far-side of the intersections last fall. You are invited to provide any feedback about the proposed shelters in writing or via attending the hearing. After the hearing, if approved, shelters would be installed later this summer.
Zoom webinar link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87951665239
Webinar ID: 879 5166 5239
One tap mobile: +16694449171,,87951665239# or +16699006833,,87951665239#
Telephone: +1 669 444 9171 or +1 669 900 6833
Persons unable to participate in the video conference may submit written comments regarding the subject matter to:
Attention: Theresa Muehlbauer
Bureau of Street-use and Mapping
49 South Van Ness Ave 3rd Floor,
San Francisco, CA 94103
Or Email: BSMpermitsdivision@sfdpw.org
Comments received before the hearing will be brought to the attention of the hearing officer and made a part of the official public record. Further information, if desired, on this matter may be obtained prior to the hearing by contacting Theresa Muehlbauer at Theresa.Muehlbauer@sfdpw.org, Margeaux Casillas at MargeauxCasillas@clearchannel.com, or Lisa Ising at Lisa.Ising@sfmta.com.