UPDATE CORRECTION: OB 48 Reroute: 24th-Bryant-Cesar Chavez-Valencia-24th. IB 48 Reroute: 24th-Valencia-Cesar Chavez-Bryant-24th.
Muni Alerts
Reminder: Tomorrow @theSFmarathon will take place starting at 5:40 a.m. The race will traverse through different ne https://t.co/u5E83Cah8M
Reminder: #SF Cable Cars are back up and running! Hop on and ride a historic landmark to attractions like Pier 39 & https://t.co/pqrq2JGLpQ
ATTN: Due to a lowrider cruise, coaches will reroute around Mission b/w 23rd & 26th. OB 14/14R Reroute: 14th-S. Van https://t.co/VBdBK303UA
FINAL UPDATE: The Powell-Hyde and Powell-Mason Cable Car lines are resuming regular service at Powell & Market. Tha https://t.co/1TtBvdtHS6
ATTN: The Powell-Hyde and Powell-Mason Cable Car lines are experiencing a delay due to an issue with the turntable https://t.co/IMjkdf5LfO
Reminder: Today at 1 p.m. the SFMTAs Youth Transportation Advisory Board will host a Youth Town Hall which will c https://t.co/HprSigmcBF
Reminder: #SF Cable Cars are back up and running! Hop on and ride a historic landmark to attractions like Pier 39 & https://t.co/khA8ZvAESU
HeadsUp: This Sunday @theSFmarathon will take place starting at 5:40 a.m. The race will traverse through different https://t.co/AbmgWhNyaL
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Third and Newcomb has cleared. Incident train and rescue train were removed from service. IB https://t.co/T6qjUREDl1
UPDATE: IB 24 resuming regular route. IB #TThird will continue to switch back at Evans. https://t.co/p80dRrvb8u
UPDATE: Bus shuttles will provide #TThird service btwn Third/Marin and Sunnydale/Bayshore. https://t.co/egL1hwgIKY
UPDATE: The IB 24 will reroute via Oakdale to Newhall to regular route. https://t.co/IcayQSjuGJ
UPDATE: IB #TThird will switch back at Third and Evans. OB trains will hold positions. Bus shuttles to support. https://t.co/Ybm9zICThX
UPDATE: IB #TThird switching back at Third and Newcomb. OB trains will hold positions. https://t.co/Ybm9zICThX
ATTN: OB #TThird delayed at Third and Newcomb due to a Muni-involved collision. Expect delays and possible switchback.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at California and 32nd has cleared. IB/OB 1 resuming regular service. https://t.co/ndPCNVkS63
UPDATE: IB/OB 1 continue to follow the below reroute due to PG&E work. https://t.co/8LE9ySZ89i
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Geary btwn 12th and 10th is clearing. IB 38/38R resuming regular service. https://t.co/r3pZSlox2B
ATTN: IB 38/38R blocked on Geary btwn 12th and 10th by #SFFD activity. Expect possible reroute via 12th to Anza to 10th back to Geary.