FINAL UPDATE: Stalled train cleared.
Southbound #TThird resuming service.
FINAL UPDATE: Stalled train cleared.
Southbound #TThird resuming service.
ATTN: Southbound (Outbound) #TThird delay at Bayshore/Arleta due to stalled train.
Working to clear. Will update.
UPDATE: Revised IB/OB 45 reroutes -
45 IB: Union-Pierce-Filbert-Webster-Union
Stop Missed: Union/Fillmore
Board: Pierce OR Buchanan
45 OB: Union-Web.-Filbert-Pierce-Union
Stops Missed: Union/Fillmore & /Pierce
Board: Buchanan OR Divisadero
UPDATE: Revised IB/OB 22 reroutes-
22 IB: Steiner-Greenwich-Fillmore
Stop Missed: Fillmore/Union
Board: Steiner/Union OR Fillmore/Lombard
22 OB: Fill.-Greenwich-Steiner
Stop Missed: Union/Fillmore
Board: Steiner/Union OR Fillmore/Lombard
UPDATE: Revised IB/OB 22 reroutes - IB will reroute via Union to Scott to Chestnut to Fillmore; OB will reroute via Chestnut to Pierce to Union to Steiner; Only two stops will be missed in either direction - board at Fillmore/Chestnut or Steiner/Union.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Duboce Portal has cleared. Incident N train was removed from service. IB #NJudah and #JChurch resuming regular service.
UPDATE: IB #subwaysvc from West Portal will proceed in service as we work to clear the IB #NJudah train at Duboce Portal.
ATTN: IB #subwaysvc delayed btwn Van Ness and Church due to a stalled IB #Njudah train near Duboce Portal.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Randolph and Victoria has cleared. IB #MOceanView resuming service.
UPDATE: Trolley coaches on the 22 providing service btwn Mission Bay & Fillmore/Jackson.
Motor coaches providing service btwn Fillmore/Jackson and Fillmore/Bay. The motor coaches will miss IB/OB stops btwn Broadway and Lombard. Board at Fillmore/Chestnut or Fillmore/Jackson
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 46th & Taraval clear. IB/OB #LTaraval Bus has resumed regular service.
ATTN: IB #MOceanView blocked at Randolph and Victoria by #SFFD activity.
UPDATE: Trolley coaches on the 22 providing service btwn Mission Bay & Fillmore/Jackson.
Motor coaches providing service btwn Fillmore/Jackson and Fillmore/Bay. The motor coaches will miss IB/OB btwn Broadway and Lombard. Board at Fillmore/Chestnut or Fillmore/Jackson
UPDATE: The transfer location between the 22 bus bridge & the 22 Fillmore buses traveling south toward Mission Bay is Fillmore/Jackson.
UPDATE: OB 22 Fillmore bus bridge route as follows.
From Fillmore via Chestnut-Van Ness-Jackson.
IB from Jackson/Fillmore via Fillmore-Washington-Webster-Jackson-Van Ness-Chestnut-Fillmore to reg. route.
7 stops btwn Pacific & Lombard missed in both directions.
UPDATE: IB 22 Fillmore will need to switchback from Fillmore via Washington-Webster-Jackson-Fillmore to reg. OB route.
Arranging shuttles to provide svc btwn The Marina & Fillmore/Jackson.
Will update.
UPDATE: IB & OB #LTaraval Bus reroutes as follows.
IB: 46th-Ulloa-45th-Taraval to reg. route.
OB: 45th-Ulloa-46th to reg. route.
IB Stops Missed: 46th/Taraval.
Board: Taraval/44th
OB Stops Missed: Taraval/46th, 46th/Ulloa.
Board: Tar./44th OR 46th/Vicente
FINAL UPDATE: Delay has cleared and 38 Geary service is resuming from the Transit Center.
ATTN: OB 38 Geary delayed at Salesforce Transit Center due to passenger medical issue.
Will update as more information becomes available.
UPDATE: For full IB/OB 22 Fillmore & 45 Union/Stockton reroute info, visit: