FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Judah and 46th has cleared. OB #NJudah resuming service.
Muni Alerts
ATTN: OB #NJudah blocked at Judah and 46th by a non-Muni collision.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Thornton and Vesta has cleared. IB/OB 54 resuming regular service.
ATTN: IB/OB 54 delayed near Thornon and Vesta due to two coaches that are unable to pass each other. IB/OB 54 will reroute via Williams.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay near Mission Bay terminal has cleared. IB/OB 22 resuming service.
ATTN: IB/OB 22 blocked near Mission Bay terminal due to #SFFD activity.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 3rd & McKinnon is clearing. NB/SB #TThird and SB 54 resuming regular service.
ATTN: NB/SB #TThird & SB 54 blocked at 3rd and McKinnon by a non-Muni collision.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Church and 16th has cleared. IB/OB #JChurch resuming service.
ATTN: IB/OB #JChurch delayed at Church and 16th due to a coach trolley pole that is stuck in the overhead.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Persia and Moscow has cleared. IB/OB 29 & 54 resuming regular service.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Fulton and Masonic has cleared. IB/OB 5, 5R, and 49 resuming regular service.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Fulton and Masonic has cleared. IB/OB 5, 5R, and 49 resuming regular service.
ATTN: 5, 5R, and 43 blocked at Fulton and Masonic by #SFPD activity.
ATTN: IB/OB 29 & 54 blocked at Persia and Moscow by #SFFD activity. IB/OB 54 will reroute via Brazil btwn Munich and Moscow. IB 29 routing via Munich btwn Persia & Brazil. OB 29 routing via Athens btwn Persia and Russia.
FINAL UPDATE: A second coach is in service on the 66.
UPDATE: IB 14/14R, 49 reroute around 16th/Mission as follows - Via 16th - S. Van Ness - 15th - Mission to reg. route Stop Missed: Mission/16th (BART) Board: Mission/18th
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 25th/Wisconsin cleared. OB 19 Polk and IB 48 Quintara/24th Street buses have resumed regular routing through the area.