Our transit fare inspectors help us make sure riders are paying their fares properly.
Thousands of people in San Francisco depend on Muni to get where they need to go. And it’s no wonder, given that Muni has been named among the best transit systems in the country.
Meanwhile, we depend on fare revenue to keep the Muni moving and to keep it clean, safe and accessible. So, we are talking about fare compliance and enforcement in “Our Fare Share,” the latest episode of our Taken with Transportation podcast.
The importance of fares
“We receive a fixed amount of money through the General Fund, the city’s budget,” SFMTA Revenue Operations Senior Manager Diana Hammons explains in the episode. “And outside of that, we are responsible for balancing our budget.”
Hammons tells Taken with Transportation Host Melissa Culross that we receive federal and state funding, as well. But fares account for about a quarter of the revenue that we raise ourselves to balance the budget.

Education is an important part of fare enforcement. It’s not just about writing tickets.
Helping riders pay properly
“Our Fare Share” takes listeners along with a team of our transit fare inspectors. The inspectors explain that they don’t just cite people who haven’t paid. They also educate our riders and help them understand how to pay the right fare.
“We all carry these red cards [with] all the programs that Muni offers, like low-income programs for seniors and low-income monthly passes like Lifeline passes,” says Transit Fare Inspector and Acting Supervisor V. Lujan.
The inspectors do cite a couple of riders during the episode. But they explain why. And they remind us that sometimes people have paid, even if it appears they haven’t.
Our transit fare inspectors also make some riders feel more comfortable on Muni. “Our uniform, I guess, creates a sense of security, a sense of safety,” says Inspector Lujan. “We’re Muni’s eyes and ears. If there’s anything happening, we’re the first to respond to it.”
You can find “Our Fare Share” and all the episodes of Taken with Transportation at our podcast webpage (SFMTA.com/Podcast) and on our YouTube channel. We’re also on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast directories.
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