FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Turk and Larkin is clearing. OB 31 resuming regular service.
Muni Alerts
ATTN: OB 31 blocked at Turk and Larkin by #SFPD activity. OB 31 will reroute via Leavenworth to Eddy to regular route.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Balboa btwn 43rd and 45th has cleared. IB/OB 18 & 31 have resumed regular service.
ATTN: IB/OB 18 & 31 delayed on Balboa btwn 43rd & 45th by a Muni-invovled collision. IB/OB 18 & 31 will reroute via Cabrillo btwn 43rd and 45th.
UPDATE: IB Hyde and Mason cable cars will switch back at Washington andPowell.
ATTN: IB Hyde and Mason Cable Cars currently holding their positions due to a cable check.
FINAL UPDATE: OB 1 cleared at Sacramento & Leavenworth. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
FINAL UPDATE: Police activity cleared. Northbound #TThird has resumed service.
ATTN: Northbound #TThird delayed at 3rd/Revere due to police activity. Will update as more information becomes available.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Judah and 11th is clearing. IB/OB #NJudah resuming regular service.
UPDATE: OB #NJudah will switch back at Carl & Hillway. IB N trains will switch back at Judah & 19th. Bus shuttles to support.
ATTN: OB #NJudah blocked at Judah and 11th by a non-Muni collision.
FINAL UPDATE: The IB 1 California has resumed regular route.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Third and Fitzgerald has cleared. NB #TThird resuming regular service.
ATTN: NB #TThird delayed at Third and Fitzgerald due to a step extension issue.
FINAL UPDATE: Fire dept. activity on Potrero has cleared. The 48 has resumed regular route in both directions.
IB & OB 9, 9R & 33 buses are being allowed through, but minor delays are likely through the area.