SFMTA Bond Oversight Committee (BOC)

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency BOC has been established to provide public oversight regarding the expenditure of bond proceeds for projects funded by the SFMTA’s revenue bonds and other forms of indebtedness to ensure that bond proceeds are being spent for authorized purposes in accordance with law. Its purpose is to ensure accountability and transparency for SFMTA debt financed projects, and to ensure that prudent internal controls and practices are established and implemented by the SFMTA. The BOC also informs the SFMTA Board of Directors and the public on status of the projects funded by debt. The BOC’s authority does not include the approval of projects included in any financing nor participation or interference in the selection process of any vendor hired to execute bond-funded projects or issue debt. The BOC Committee consists of seven members and oversees the spending of bond proceeds and inform the Board and the public on status of the projects funded by debt.

Bond Oversight Committee Bylaws

Bond Oversight Committee Annual Reports

Bond Oversight Committee Quarterly Reports




Miembros del comité

SFMTA Bond Oversight Committee Members:

Tajel Shah, Chairman

John Lisovsky, Vice-Chairman

Steve Heminger

Yensing Sihapanya

Vishal Trivedi

Nikolai Sklaroff

Mina Yu

Contact: BOCOversightCommittee@sfmta.com


