5L Fulton Pilot Project In Effect

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SFMTA has implemented a pilot project along the 5 Fulton corridor that introduces limited-stop service to provide quicker trips and increases frequency to reduce crowding between 6th Avenue and Downtown.

Please visit the 5L Fulton Limited Pilot Project Page for more details, or take a look at the 5L Fulton Limited Pilot Project Flyer.

The pilot is aimed to:

  • Study/analyze the benefits of this modified service for 12 months.

The 5L Fulton Limited is designed to:

  • Improve customer experience by reducing crowding and enhancing service reliability
  • Improve transit and pedestrian safety

Proposed service improvements include:

  • Evening/weekend service similar to current service
  • Weekdays until 7 p.m., electric buses will make all local stops between La Playa/Cabrillo and Fulton/6th, then limited stops between Fulton/6th and Market/McAllister, then all local stops between Market/McAllister and Transbay Terminal.
  • Proposed limited stops include Fulton/Arguello, Fulton/Parker/Shrader, Fulton/Masonic, McAllister/Divisadero, McAllister/Fillmore and McAllister/Van Ness.

Proposed street and bus stop improvements:

Low-cost projects to improve safety, reliability and travel time

  • Extend bus zones to make room for both limited and local buses at shared stops, and to improve safety and accessibility at local stops while allowing limited buses to pass.
  • Remove bus stops at up to eight intersections to reduce bus delays associated with closely-spaced stops
  • Relocate bus stops across the street at approximately 10 intersections to reduce bus delays at traffic lights and stop signs.
  • Reduce the number of travel lanes on Fulton between Central and Stanyan to improve safety.
  • Remove parking on east side of Central between Fulton and McAllister to reduce bus delays on this narrow block from congestion.
  • Add right-turn lanes at four intersections to help turning traffic and reduce bus delays.


Proposed Lane changes on Fulton from Central to Stanyan

As a result of narrow travel lanes on Fulton between Central and Stanyan, there have been numerous Muni sideswipes. Reconfiguring the street by removing one lane in each direction and adding a center left-turn lane would provide room for wider travel lanes. Left-turn pockets or pedestrian refuges would be provided at intersections.

Bus Bulb Installation at 25th Avenue to La Playa

Bus bulbs are proposed for installation at seven intersections as part of an upcoming paving project along Fulton between 25th and La Playa.