Biking and Rolling Plan Up for Adoption at March 4 Board of Directors Meeting

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On Tuesday, March 4 at 1 p.m., the SFMTA Board of Directors will vote on the adoption of San Francisco’s Biking and Rolling Plan. The plan is the city’s long-range roadmap to:

  • Create a safer, more connected biking and rolling network within a quarter mile of everyone in San Francisco
  • Make biking and rolling an easy and inviting choice for people of all ages and abilities to get around the city
  • Improve biking and rolling access to schools, parks, jobs, and vital services, without closing any new streets to cars
  • Improve mobility and accessibility across the transportation system

The plan includes input from thousands of San Francisco residents we talked to over the last two years.  

You can read all the background about the Biking and Rolling Plan on this webpage: Biking and Rolling Plan | SFMTA. To view the materials the SFMTA Board of Directors will be voting on, go to the web page for the March 4 Board of Directors meeting and click on that calendar item.

If the board adopts the Biking and Rolling Plan, it will be adopting the plan’s goals, policies and actions; its North Star Network; and its Community Action Plans for the Tenderloin, Western Addition/Fillmore, SOMA, Mission, Excelsior and Bayview Hunters Point.

The Biking and Rolling Plan does not include any proposals to close additional streets to cars or add new bike lanes on merchant corridors. Any project that becomes part of the final plan will have to go through our standard review process. Lastly, the adoption of San Francisco’s Biking and Rolling Plan does not have a funding impact on the agency’s operating budget.  

You’re invited to provide public comment at the Board meeting at City Hall, Room 400 on March 4. Or you can email your comments to the Board at You can watch the meeting on SFGOVTV Channel 2