The Geary Boulevard Improvement Project will include a community enhancement element to beautify the corridor. In April 2024 we held a survey asking for feedback on different treatment options.
Thank you to the over 1,800 respondents to our Geary Boulevard Community Enhancement survey.
Based on the results of the survey, the Geary Boulevard Improvement Project’s community enhancement element will include:
- About 50 new street trees; and
- Decorative concrete with glass aggregate sidewalk designs at some Rapid bus stops, with designs featuring the nature of the Richmond District.
In addition to providing preferences for enhancement options, your feedback regarding the quick-build phase (completed last year) and thoughts about the upcoming work are appreciated. We have prepared a summary report of the survey results with more details about what we heard.
A second round of outreach will be held in late summer/early fall to get feedback on tree species, tree locations, and different visual options for the sidewalk designs.
To minimize disruption to the community, the implementation of this beautification work is being coordinated with SF Public Utilities Commission-sponsored water and sewer upgrades that are anticipated to begin in early 2025. Beautification and other transit and safety improvements are expected to be installed beginning in late 2026.

An example of concrete glass aggregate sidewalk design.