Milestone Reached! Bayview Community Shuttle Soliciting Vendors
We have moved one step closer towards launching shuttle service in early 2024. On August 16th, the SFMTA released a Request for Proposals for the Bayview Community Shuttle, inviting shuttle vendors to bid on a $6 million contract to provide shuttle service for the Bayview-Hunters Point community between 2024 and 2026. Bids are due to the SFMTA by September 30th and the awarded contract will go to the SFMTA Board later this year for approval. This represents a huge milestone for the Bayview Community Shuttle Program.
The SFMTA team at the BMAGIC Back to School backpack giveaway on August 12th
Shuttle Service Plans Coming this Fall
Between now and early next year, the Bayview Community Shuttle Program team is working on building a service plan that meets the needs of the community. Over the summer, we worked with our community partners to collect over 500 surveys from Bayview residents. We heard from folks where they wanted to go, what time of day they would use the service and how long they would be willing to wait for a shuttle pickup.
Now we’re turning that feedback into a range of service plan options that we’ll bring back to the community this fall. Each service plan option will show the trade-offs involved – does it make sense to have a large service area if it increases wait times? Is it more important to have late-night service or lots of shuttles in service during commute times?
Keep an eye out for more community events in the fall.
Want to Know More?
If you want to learn more about the latest from the Bayview Community Shuttle Program, take a look at the minutes from our last Community Congress meeting in July. Our next meeting, open to the public and held in the Bayview, will take place in October.
If you want to get in contact with us, contact