Public Records Requests

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) public records request process is structured in accordance with the SF Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code) and the California Public Records Act (California Govt. Code § 6250 et seq). Per the Sunshine Ordinance: “Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public.” SFMTA believes strongly in the right of citizens to access information concerning the conduct of their government and is committed to conducting all activities with full transparency and openness. 

How to Request Public Records - Click on the link below:

Next Request icon; submit a request for SFMTA records Public Records website

Time Allowed to Respond to a Request for Public Records

The SFMTA responds to all requests for public records as promptly as reasonably possible, and provides responsive records, if any, as soon as possible after they are available. 

Per Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, the SFMTA is allowed 10 calendar days to respond to a public records request. In certain circumstances, the SFMTA may extend its time to respond by an additional 14 calendar days. If the SFMTA extends the time to respond, the department will notify the requesting party in writing within the initial 10-day response period of the reason(s) for the extension and the estimated date of response. During the current public health emergency, the department is not required to provide copies of records by these deadlines but must notify the requester whether the records exist.

Records That Are Subject to Disclosure

Some records in the possession of the SFMTA are exempt from public disclosure under federal, state and/or local laws. Examples of records prohibited from disclosing or may decline to disclose include: personnel, medical or similar files the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; privileged attorney-client communications between SFMTA and lawyers for the City; and proprietary financial information submitted to SFMTA in response to a request for proposals prior to award of a contract. If a responsive record contains both exempt and non-exempt information, SFMTA will redact the exempt material and make the remainder of the record available to the requesting party. 

Additional information

Information about the Sunshine Ordinance public records requests process is also available at the following City websites: 


Contact Information
Public Record Assistance
415.701.2311 if you are calling from outside of San Francisco For TTY, press 7