Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2019, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm
UCSF Mission Hall, 550 16th Street, Room 2100
Advisory Committee Seat |
Voting Member |
Alternate |
Seat 1 (Golden State Warriors) |
Michael Rescigno |
Yoyo Chan |
Seat 2 (UCSF) |
Amit Kothari |
Clare Shinnerl |
Seat 3 (Neighborhood resident) |
Bruce Agid |
Bruce Kin Huie |
Seat 4 (Neighborhood business owner) |
Catherine Sharpe |
Terezia Nemeth |
Seat 5 (Neighborhood resident) |
Sarah Davis |
Sarah Bertram |
Members of the Public |
Michelle Murphy |
Gap Inc./Old Navy |
Georgina Arias |
Manoj Madhavan |
Golden State Warriors |
Ralph Anav |
Mission Bay Resident |
Josh Karlin Resnick |
SF Giants |
Bettina Cohen |
Mission Bay Resident |
Courtney Mc Donald |
Office of Supervisor Matt Haney |
Jackie Ventura |
Golden State Warriors |
Kim Walton |
Senior Transportation Planner; Staff Liaison |
Kristin Michael |
Lead Planner, Land Use and Development Transportation Integration |
Roberta Boomer |
Secretary to the SFMTA Board of Directors |
Call to Order/Roll Call – Amit Kothari, Vice Chairperson
Voting Members in attendance: Rescigno; Sharpe; Kothari; Davis
Excused Absences: Agid
Alternates in attendance: Chan; Bertram
Alternates not in attendance: Nemeth; Shinnerl; Huie
- Approve minutes of June 27, 2019 meeting
The motion was made by Catherine Sharpe to approve the minutes of the July 25, 2019 meeting and was seconded by Michael Rescigno.
Public comments – None
Committee member comments – Bruce Agid provided the following changes:
Approval of the TIF Budget Motion. I think what we approved was the revised language of the Motion on our contingent approval of the MB TIF budget.
On the motion to approve the June 27, 2019 minutes with changes as previously noted.
AYES –Kothari, Davis, Rescigno, Sharpe
The motion passed
Old Business
Delay Metrics
AC member Michael Rescigno and Bruce Agid met to review a very high -level draft of proposed metrics “score-card.”
The intent of this scorecard is two-fold. First, provide a high-level on-going review of the quality of services provided to support Chase Center Arena Events as well as measure impacts on the neighborhood and second, to inform the MB TIF budget process for future years; a valuable tool both for the City family and the AC members. We are hoping to identify metrics that are either already available and can be re-purposed for the scorecard or use data/metrics which are required based on commitments/agreements associated with the Chase Center.
The next steps are to review with City Staff who will then gather input from various City Departments/Agencies. There will be a final review of the working group and a first draft will be presented at the August 22nd MB TIF AC meeting.
Brown Act Overview -Roberta Boomer
The Brown Act was created in 1953 and guarantees the public’s right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies. The Act guides committees in the conducting of business in areas such as what constitutes a meeting, meeting noticing, agenda, setting, and communications. While the Brown Act covers many areas, key areas for the MB TIF AC to be familiar with are as follows.
What constitutes "a meeting" and what communications are permitted?
Duly noticed public meeting
Any congregation by a majority of the body at the same time on any topic within jurisdiction of the body
No action needed to make it a meeting
Power is of committee as a "body" not as an individual. Majority of Body is needed
Chair and Co-Chair are to ensure business is done with public input
Email communications should be done directly with staff liaison; do not hit “reply all.”
Advisory Committee members have the right to speak outside and at meetings.
During meetings, Committee members are encouraged to participate and speak on any and all matters on the agenda and/or pertaining to mission of the Committee.
Notices must be provided in three locations, three days (72 hours) in advance - online, library, and outside meeting room. Must be mailed to public member if member requests
Special Meeting - not at regular meeting date/time/location. Only business in meeting notice can be discussed.
Emergency Meeting - specific drastic circumstances (acts of God/terrorism)
Meeting space must be fully accessible and complies with ADA, free, no condition of admission; cameras/recording is all permitted.
Materials handed out must be made available to public immediately. If prepared by member of public, must be made available afterward.
Must contain brief description of each item to be discussed, not to exceed 20 words. The topic is to be specific/general enough for public to be properly informed but allows committee max leeway to discuss.
Each agenda should include item for new/unfinished business. Member can use it to create request for info or presentation.
Once agenda is posted, no discussion of or action on item not on agenda
Exceptions - brief responses to public testimony, the public has right to address the Committee, but not a right to receive a response. requests for clarification from staff, brief reports on personal activities, need to take immediate action on an item.
Staff Liaison
Liaison to ensure meetings are held and rules are followed.
Works with Chair to develop annual work plan.
Work with Chair to develop agenda, which follows approved work plan.
Members of the Public/Public Comment
Speaking time is limited to 3 minutes or less; time allocation must be applied equally to all
Teleconferencing must be noticed and available to public
Chase Center Coordination – Paul Supawanich, Office of the Mayor
Working with SF Public Works on coordination of Third Street Bridge work and closure.
Muni Metro platform should be open for operation first week of August 2019
The SF Fire Department held a Code 2 drill on July 24.
Committee members expressed their concerns about the impact on the neighborhood if both the Third and Fourth Street bridges were closed at the same time and what and how information would be communicated to Mission Bay residents.
- Chase Center Event Transportation Guide/Transportation Management Plan Goals and
Manoj Madhavan form the Warriors presented the “Chase Center Transportation Update” which included information on how to access the Center on various modes. Michael Rescigno provide information on parking services at and around the Center. Committee members expressed concerns regarding the volume of Transportation Network Company vehicles (Lyft and Uber) that will be in the area.
After much discussion on continuing the meeting due to the time, Catherine Sharpe made a motion to extend the July 25, 2019 Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee meeting from 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm and it was seconded by Sarah Davis.
Public Comment none.
Advisory committee Discussion – none
On the Motion:
Ayes Rescigno; Sharpe; Kothari; Davis
Nays – None
The Motion was passed.
Additional concerns were voiced regarding the location of the Muni 78x and 79 x shuttle buses, if the TNC companies would institute “geo fencing,” and the pricing of the neighborhood parking meters. A request was made for a copy of the full final /adopted transportation plan so that employers can provide the information to their employees, and so that residents can become familiar with what will be taking place. Another request was made to clarify what triggers” special event parking.”
- Public Comment
There was no public comment
- Advisory Committee Member comments and Future Agenda Items
Catherine Sharpe made a motion that at the August 22 meeting, to continue the discussion on the Transportation Update begun by Michael Rescigno, to have the Warriors head of Safety present, along with members of the SF Police Department.
Public Comment – None
Advisory Committee Discussion – none
On the Motion:
Ayes Rescigno; Sharpe; Kothari; Davis
Nays – None
The Motion was passed
Sarah Davis made the motion to adjourn the July 25, 2019 meeting and was seconded by Catherine Sharpe.
On the Motion:
Ayes Rescigno; Sharpe; Kothari; Davis
Nays – None
Meeting adjourned at 5:05 pm