This past weekend, the Recreation and Parks Department and the SFMTA joined Sunday Streets in Golden Gate Park to present our latest proposals for traffic safety improvements as part of the Golden Gate Park Traffic Safety Project. We had great conversations with community members from the Sunset, the Richmond, and beyond. Through those conversations and a written survey, we received valuable feedback on our proposals – and longer term ideas to reduce commuter traffic in the park – that will inform the project going forward.
The project team presented more than 50 traffic calming and safety improvement measures that are being considered for implementation in late 2017 and early 2018. These include more speed humps, new raised crosswalks, and striping improvements to slow down turning vehicles and increase pedestrian visibility, among others. We also received valuable input on our pilot proposal to convert 30th Avenue between Fulton St and JFK Dr into a one-way street for driving southbound into the park, which would address a recurring collision pattern and also allow us to add bike lanes in both directions.
If you didn’t get a chance to come to Sunday Streets – or did join us, but didn’t fill out a survey – you can fill one out online. Before doing so, please take a look at the materials we presented, which will give you information on the proposed safety improvements.