UPDATE: California Cable Car Line back up and running. Powell Cable Car Line currently down due to a cable issue. Will update.
Muni Alerts
FINAL UPDATE: 3rd St. bridge has been lowered. Normal traffic is resuming in both directions and the IB 15 Bayview Hunters Point Express is resuming regular route.
ATTN: IB 15 BVHP Express rerouting due to 3rd St. bridge being stuck open.
RRT via Channel - 4th - King - 3rd to reg. route.
No stops missed, but expect delays due to trapped buses on 3rd.
ATTN: Expect extended wait times on the 54 Felton Route due to two buses not being in service. Line adjustments have been made to minimize any service gaps as much as possible. Our apologies for any inconvenience.
ATTN: IB/OB transit island stops @ Market/8th for the 6 Haight/Parnassus & 7 Haight/Noriega are currently unavailable due to track work. Please board at the curb., east of 8th St. #FMarket unaffected and servicing the island stop.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 3rd and 20th has cleared. SB #TThird resuming service.
ATTN: SB #TThird delayed at 3rd and 20th due to a train door issue.
ATTN: Due to a mechanical issue, there are only two coaches in service on the 36. Expect longer wait times.
FINAL UPDATE: OB 22 resuming regular service. Expect minor delays near Fillmore & California until overhead issue is resolved.
ATTN: OB 22 delayed at Fillmore and California due to overhead wire issue. OB 22 will reroute via Steiner btwn Sacramento and California.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Hayes and Laguna has cleared. IB/OB 21 resuming regular aervice.
ATTN: IB/OB 21 blocked at Hayes and Laguna by #SFFD activity. IB 21 will reroute via Webster to Grove. OB 21 routing via Gough to Fell to Buchanan to Hayes.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Taraval and 19th has cleared. OB #LTaraval resuming service.
ATTN: OB #LTaraval blocked at Taraval and 19th by emergency vehicles.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Church has cleared. Incident #MOceanView train removed from service. IB #subwaysvc is resuming.
ATTN: IB #subwaysvc delayed at Church due to a stalled train.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Taraval and 39th is clearing. Incident train was removed from service. IB #LTaraval resuming service.
ATTN: IB #LTaraval delayed at Taraval and 39th due to a stalled train. Maintenance personnel en route.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Persia and Mission has cleared. IB 29 resuming regular service.