FINAL UPDATE: Powell-Mason & Powell-Hyde Powell Cable Car Lines back up and running. Regular service resuming.
Muni Alerts
UPDATE: Powell-Mason Cable Car Line back up and running. Powell-Hyde Line will be serviced by two buses between Hyde & Chestnut and Powell & Washington.
FINAL UPDATE: California Cable Car Line back up and running. Thank you for your patience.
FINAL UPDATE: IB/OB 31 cleared at Eddy and Leavenworth. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: IB/OB 31 rerouting around Eddy and Leavenworth due to #SFFD activity. Will update.
ATTN: California Cable Car Line currently down due to a cable issue. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: Cable Car predictions are once again populating again. Thank you for your patience.
UPDATE: Powell-Mason down for the rest of the night due to cable repairs. Bus shuttles to provide service.
ATTN: Powell-Mason Cable Car Line currently down.
ATTN: We have reports Cable Car Predictions are not populating. Cable Cars continue to run normally. Staff are working on a fix. Thank you for your patience.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on San Jose has cleared. IB/OB #JChurch resuming regular service.
ATTN: OB #JChurch blocked at San Jose and Monterey due to an automobile on the tracks. Expect OB J trains to switchback at Church and Day. Bus shuttles will support J Line service.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Castro Station is clearing. Incident #LTaraval train was removed from service. OB #subwaysvc resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: OB #subwaysvc delayed at Castro Station due to a train mechanical issue.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Mission btwn 19th & 20th has cleared. IB/OB 14, 14R, and 49 resuming regular service.
ATTN: IB/OB 14/14R and 49 delayed on Mission btwn 19th & 20th by a Muni-involved collision. IB/OB 14/14R & 49 will reroute via South Van Ness btwn 18th & 21st.
FINAL UPDATE: #KIngleside & #MOceanview cleared at St. Francis. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
FINAL UPDATE: #MOceanView cleared and resuming regular service. Expect residual delays.