ATTN: IB/OB 24 delayed at Castro & Market. OB reroute via Market-Diamond-19th-Castro. IB reroute via 18th-Noe-16th-Castro. Will update.
Muni Alerts
ATTN: Powell-Mason Cable Car Line currently down. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: Powell Cable Car Line back up and running. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: Powell Cable Car Line down due to a splice check. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: IB #MOceanView cleared at 19th and Junipero Serra. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: #TThird blocked at Third and Mission Rock due to flooding on the tracks. T trains will switch back Southbound to northbound at 4th/Berry; trains will switch back Northbound to southbound at Chase Center. 15 line will stop at 4th & Berry.
FINAL UPDATE: IB #NJudah cleared at Judah & 25th. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: IB #MOceanView delayed at 19th and Junipero Serra due to a disabled auto. Will update.
ATTN: IB #NJudah delayed at Judah & 25th due to a disabled auto blocking.
FINAL UPDATE: IB 44 cleared and resuming regular service. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: IB/OB 1 California rerouting around California and Lyon due to #SFFD activity. OB reroute via Broderick-Pine-Presidio-California. IB reroute via Presidio-Bush-Baker-California. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: 49 Van Ness/Mission cleared at Van Ness & Geary. Regular service resuming.
ATTN: 49 Van Ness/Mission expect residual delays around Van Ness & Geary due to a non-Muni collision. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: OB #JChurch cleared at Church & Clipper. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: OB #JChurch delayed at Church & Clipper due to a brake issue. Will update.
ATTN: IB 44 missing Music Concourse Dr/Academy of Sciences stop. Board at 8th & Fulton.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Mission and 8th has cleared. IB/OB 14/14R and OB 19 and 27 have resumed regular service.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Gilman and Hawes has cleared. IB 29 resuming regular service.
ATTN: IB 29 blocked at Gilman and Hawes by #SFPD activity. IB 29 will reroute via Hawes to Ingerson to Ingalls to Gilman. Stops btwn Hawes and Bill Walsh Way will be missed.
ATTN: California Cable Car Line service will end early tonight so our cable machinery team can have the extra time needed to address the issue that caused the delays earlier today. Bus shuttles will provide Cal Line service.