Geary Community Advisory Committee

The Geary Community Advisory Committee, or Geary CAC, provides input to the project team by providing varied perspectives from the surrounding community and city. The nature of the Geary CAC is advisory and advises SFMTA staff on two projects, the Geary Rapid Project and the Geary Boulevard Improvement Project

The Geary CAC shares the community’s interests with the project team and relays project information to its respective communities. The SFMTA keeps members informed, listens to and acknowledges concerns and aspirations, and provides feedback on how public input influenced project decisions, drafts and proposals.

  • The Geary CAC provides the project teams input on project-related design, outreach, construction and implementation. Input received informs project decisions and is shared with decision-makers.
  • The Geary CAC serves as a conduit to the communities they represent.
  • Geary CAC members share information with and collect feedback from the communities they represent.
  • Feedback provided by the Geary CAC on the Geary projects will be shared with the project teams.

Geary CAC meetings are open to the public to attend. Agendas and meeting materials will be posted on the project website one week prior to the scheduled meeting.