Citation Waiver for People Experiencing Homelessness

Use this form to submit your request for citation waivers and late penalty dismissals. To qualify for these discounts you must be receiving assistance from the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH).

All applications are verified with HSH. If you have have not connected with HSH in the past 6 months then please do so before applying for your citation waiver.Visit HSH’s website for more information on how to start the process of getting certified. You can also call 415.487.3300 x7000 to speak to a case manager.

Your application will be denied if you have not engaged with HSH in the past 6 months. 

Once submitted, your request will be reviewed within 3 business days. You will receive an email and or a letter updating you on the status of your request. You can also view the status of your citations online.

Waiver requests of large dollar amounts may require an extra level of verification. HSH staff will reach out to you for a follow up. These requests will take up to 10 days. 


Acknowledgment of Eligibility

Contact Information

Requirement Clause
I give permission to HSH to share limited income information with SFMTA and its towing contractor, AutoReturn, to help determine whether I may qualify for a fee waiver. My information shall be shared only as needed for those purposes. I understand that this database can only show my name, my date of birth, my address, and whether my household income falls within certain percentages of federal poverty guidelines based on information I have previously provided to HSH.

I understand that by signing this form, I acknowledge that if applying for a one time citation waiver that it is a one time waiver associated with my ID number.

I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Community Service Program paper application. The paper application is available online at