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Wiggle Neighborhood Green Corridor Community Open House #2

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Sep 24

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and the San Francisco Department of Public Works (SFDPW) invite you to help plan for a green infrastructure and traffic calming project in your neighborhood. The Wiggle Neighborhood Green Corridor will improve stormwater management and walking and biking conditions along the iconic Wiggle route and Duboce Park.


We want to hear from you! We look forward to hearing your thoughts on our proposed alternatives, including:

•       Enhance pedestrian safety with bulbouts and raised crosswalks

•       Manage stormwater using permeable paving and rain gardens

•       Bulbouts and rain gardens would be created in part by repurposing parking spaces

•       Reduce congestion on Scott Street with traffic circulation changes

•       Add stormwater collection areas to Duboce Park

•       Improve transit on Haight Street


Unable to join us in person? 

Check back soon for more information on the project and a chance to share your ideas! We'll have an online feedback form available after the meeting.

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