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SF County Transportation Authority Board Meeting 2/9/21

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Feb 9
Virtual meeting

A funding allocation for the Potrero Yard Modernization Project will be considered by the SFCTA Board on Tuesday, February 9 at 10:00 a.m. (Note that the actual time the item will be heard may be considerably later than 10:00 a.m.). View the agenda and TA Board packet. The Potrero Yard Modernization Project funding allocation is item 5 on the agenda.

Ways to Watch: SF Cable Channel 26  OR  on SFGovTV  OR on Microsoft Teams

PUBLIC COMMENT CALL-IN: 1 (415) 655-0001; Access Code: 146 691 8807 # #

To make public comment on an item, when the item is called, dial ‘*3’ to be added to the queue to speak. When the system says your line is unmuted, the operator will advise that you will be allowed 2 minutes to speak. When your 2 minutes are up, we will move on to the next caller. Calls will be taken in the order in which they are received.

If you want to ensure your comment on any item on the agenda is received by the Board in advance of the meeting, please send an email to by 8 a.m. on Tuesday, February 9, or call (415) 522-4800.