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Potrero Yard Modernization Project - Virtual Public Meeting, May 17, 2022

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May 17

VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING -- We want to hear from you!

The SFMTA and selected developer, Potrero Neighborhood Collective, are reimagining Potrero Yard (located at Bryant and Mariposa streets) as the nation’s first joint development of a bus maintenance facility with integrated housing and retail.

Join us at an online virtual public meeting to learn more about the Potrero Yard Modernization Project and give your feedback. We will share updated plans for the bus yard, housing, economic development, streetscape and public art.

When: Wednesday, May 17 at 5:30 p.m.

  • Join by computer:

    2. Join online:
  • Join by phone:

    1. Call (669) 444-9171
    2. Use code 833 1680 2306 when prompted

Can’t attend? Take our survey


reimagine Potrero Yard

If you require free interpretation or other accommodations, please contact us at or (415) 646-2223 at least 48 hours before the event to ensure accommodation.





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