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Page Street Walking / Biking Tour

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Sep 22

The SFMTA invites you to an upcoming public walking/biking tour to review and discuss potential changes to Page Street between Webster and Market streets. This popular biking and walking corridor sees significant traffic headed to Octavia Boulevard and the Central Freeway, and there is a need to increase safety and traffic circulation.

Please join us Tuesday, September 22nd, from 8:30 to 10 a.m. for an informal discussion with project staff about potential changes that include bike lanes, sidewalk curb extensions, new landscaping/street trees, pedestrian islands, and changes to parking and circulation.

The tour will start at the public parklet at Octavia Boulevard and Page Street (outside the Mercury Café), with the expected route to include walking up the hill to John Muir Elementary School and then back down (either by bike or on foot) past Octavia Boulevard toward Market Street.

The Page Street walking/biking tour is one of three planned “walk and talks” as part of the Octavia Boulevard Enhancement Project.  The remaining tours will be scheduled this fall.

For more information, please contact Casey Hildreth at or 415.701.4817. 

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