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17th Street (Church to Sanchez) Bicycle Safety Project Community Meeting

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Feb 22

February 22, 2017

6:30 - 7:30 PM

Mission Police Station,

Community Room

Valencia St. at 17th St.

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has heard concerns about safety and accessibility on 17th Street between Church and Sanchez due to streetcar tracks, pavement quality, and lack of curb ramps. People on bicycles are being injured in falls and people with disabilities are having a difficult time crossing the street. The SFMTA has attempted a number of solutions in the past several years to minimize the difficulties posed by the streetcar tracks, but crashes are still occurring. We would like to hear your thoughts about these issues and discuss possible solutions to improve safety on this stretch of 17th Street.

Potential changes that have been studied & will be discussed include:

  • Relocating the bike route to another street
  • Removing the tracks
  • Making the street one-way
  • Removing parking to add a protected bikeway
  • Increased enforcement of double parking
  • New curb ramps for better pedestrian crossing

As bicycling becomes a more common way to get around San Francisco, the SFMTA strives to make it a safe, comfortable, and viable way to get around the city. We hope you can join us in discussing how to move forward in this area.

For general project information and questions, contact the SFMTA project manager Mike Sallaberry by e-mail at or by phone at (415) 701-4563.

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