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1399 Marin at the Port Commission

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May 25

The San Francisco Port Commission will hear about the 1399 Marin factility. The purpose of the hearing is to provide the Commission and the public an overview of SFMTA's continued use of the maintenance and bus acceptance facility at 1399 Marin. This item is informational only. Commissioners and the public will be able to provide comment and the SFMTA will come before the Commission again at a later date.

Hearing Details
The Port Commission open session begins at 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. The hearing is remote, but will be streamed live on SFGovTV. 1399 Marin is Item #12 on the agenda.

Public Comment

  • Dial: 415-655-0001
  • Participant Code: 187-918-0726#
  • When prompted, press *3 to be added to the public comment queue.

If you are in the public comment queue, an audio prompt will indicate when it is your turn to speak. Public comment is limited to three minutes and must be in respect to the current agenda item. When making public comment, please ensure you are in a quiet location, turn off any TV’s or radios around you, and speak clearly.

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