Transit Tuesday

Welcome, Secretary Foxx!

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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Each Tuesday we bring you a tidbit of transit news or trivia, either from our own backyard or from around the globe.

Today we are proud to welcome U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx to San Francisco. In honor of Secretary Foxx’s visit, we are sharing today’s post from the always informative Fast Lane blog, the official blog of the U.S. DOT. Fast Lane provides important updates on transportation improvements and initiatives from around the country.

In today’s post, Secretary Foxx writes about how Kansas City is improving bus service by focusing on pedestrian and accessibility needs. We face similar challenges here in San Francisco but like Kansas City, we’re making progress. SFMTA initiatives are making Muni safer and more accessible while also adding service and improving reliability.

We are excited that Muni is replacing its entire bus fleet in the next five years – new buses will help greatly by making Muni more reliable and more accessible.

SF is also planning similar investments as Kansas City to improve safety and accessibility by investing in the infrastructure near Muni stops. Check out for details on these efforts.

We are excited to host the Secretary and we thank him for his leadership. 

Transportation Secretary Foxx stands at a lecturn labeled "Pro Walk, Pro Bike, Pro Place." Photographs of bicyclissts and people at a cafe are projected behind him.

Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx speaks at the annual “Pro Bike, Pro Walk, Pro Place” conference earlier this month. Photo courtesy of the Fast Lane blog