Vision Zero SF Safe Speeds Campaign

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Speeding Kills. Just five miles over the limit is twice as likely to kill. Stick to the speed limit.

Speeding is a top cause of crashes both here in San Francisco and throughout California. Vision Zero SF recently re-launched its Safe Speeds campaign to raise awareness around this deadly issue. Speeding Kills bus shelter ads have been installed throughout the city in addition to a radio piece running during traffic segments on various stations.

Vision Zero Speeding Kills

Be on the lookout for a Vision Zero Stick to the Limit video playing at all California DMV field offices.

Vision Zero SF is the city’s road safety policy that will build safety and livability into our streets, protecting the one million people who move about the city every day. San Francisco is committed to achieving our Vision Zero goal of zero traffic deaths.

Learn more about Vision Zero work here or visit @VisionZeroSF.

Vision Zero Speeding Kills