All intersections are crosswalks.
Messages will be visible throughout San Francisco as part of the award-winning It Stops Here traffic safety campaign, which launches again this month. The campaign highlights the importance of drivers safely yielding to people in crosswalks. It Stops Here will run on bus ads and social media citywide. Crossing the street should be safe for everyone. For everyone’s safety, remember to yield when you see people crossing.
41% of pedestrian collisions happen in crosswalks.
Failure to yield to pedestrians is one of the leading causes of traffic deaths in San Francisco. When Vision Zero launched in 2014, the city developed an education strategy for prioritizing Vision Zero education and outreach efforts. The strategy identified three large scale education programs to launch and continue over the course of ten years, focusing on the top three causes of fatal and severe traffic crashes: speed, failure to yield to pedestrians and unsafe left turns at intersections. The three respective campaigns are: Safe Speeds, It Stops Here, and Safer Intersections.
Pedestrians have right of way.
Vision Zero SF is the city’s road safety policy that will build safety and livability into our streets, protecting the one million people who move about the city every day. San Francisco is committed to achieving our Vision Zero goal of zero traffic deaths.
We have more information about Vision Zero work or you can follow @VisionZeroSF.