Vision Zero: February Highlights

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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A crossing guard helping a father and son cross the street.

Last year, San Francisco recorded the lowest number of traffic-related fatalities since the city started keeping track in the early 1900s, but we still have a lot of work to do.

Vision Zero SF is the City’s road safety policy that will build safety and livability into our streets, protecting the 1 million people who move about the City every day. Every year in San Francisco, about 30 people lose their lives and over 200 more are seriously injured while traveling on city streets. These deaths and injuries are unacceptable and preventable, and San Francisco is committed to stopping further loss of life. From protected bike lanes and new traffic signals to more visible crosswalks and pedestrian countdown signals that tell you how much crossing time remains, we build safety into our streets.

We’re excited to keep you all apprised of what we’re doing to make your streets safer. Every month, we’ll record a video round-up of the projects we’ve completed and continue to work on to reach our goal of zero traffic deaths in San Francisco.

Here are some of February’s highlights:

  • Our Board of Directors voted to approve the Turk St. Safety Project.
  • SFMTA just completed training 7 new classes of crossing guards.
  • Alamo Square/Lower Haight residents will notice advanced limit lines in crosswalks.
  • Construction for the new Upper Market protected bikeway is underway.
  • SFMTA completed work to convert Eddy St. from one-way to two-way.

You can also follow our projects updates on Twitter @VisionZeroSF

Vision Zero: February 2018 Highlights