History in Motion

Under the Loupe: Candy for Life at Ocean Beach

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

San Francisco is a town that loves its food, with new restaurants popping up frequently and almost any cuisine imaginable being doled out somewhere in town. Today's trip back in time (and "under the loupe" for a closer look) takes us into the 'foodie' past of our great city.

This glass plate negative, shot to document a contractor's abandoned track work, hides a little advert making some pretty big claims about the goodies on offer out at Ocean Beach.

Streetcar Tracks Left in Unfinished Condition by Contractor on Fulton Street and 48th Avenue | January 27, 1915 | U04763
Streetcar Tracks Left in Unfinished Condition by Contractor on Fulton Street and 48th Avenue | January 27, 1915 | U04763

Peering into the background, we see that even in 1915, San Francisco was food-centric or at least had a big sweet tooth. With an advertisement like this, which touts, "You Will Live 100 Years... Candies, Ice Cream, Fruits, Soft Drinks," I can't see why anyone would hesitate to buy the sweets for sale. Run! Don't walk!

Detail of U04763 Showing Workers and Candy Advertisement | January 27, 1915
Detail of U04763 Showing Workers and Candy Advertisement | January 27, 1915

There may still be some San Franciscans out there enjoying their 100 years thanks to the candies and ice cream peddled by this shop. Hopefully they've got some teeth left to eat them with. Looks like the shop also offered hardier fare than just the life-sustaining candies. "Mexican tostadas" and "sandwiches" for a whopping 5 cents also appear on the ad.

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