Transit Tuesday

Travel Photography Radiates A Love of Rail

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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Every now and then we like to pause and enjoy the beauty of our city and its infrastructure. Photos that circulated last year remind us of the simple aesthetic attraction of urban architecture. The photographer, Enig Hui, clearly sees the beauty of urban structures, both modern and ancient, too.

In June Paul Donnelley at the UK’s Daily Mail profiled the Malaysian engineer’s images of railway stations from around the world. The spontaneous snaps are captivating and evoke the excitement and energy of travel.

Of course, we also love perusing all the great shots from visitors and locals alike of the various ways to travel around our town.

Enig Hui's photo reprinted in the Daily Mail shows the Malostranska metro station in Prague
Daily Mail shared Hui’s sunburst-like image of Malostranská metro station in Prague from April 2014.

On Tuesdays we bring you a tidbit of transit news or trivia, either from our own backyard or from around the globe. Thanks for joining us.