Prioritizing Safety and Access: What You Can Expect from Our Next Scooter Share Program

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Friday, May 31, 2024

Person rides a lime green shared scooter through Golden Gate Park.

Rolling through Golden Gate Park on a shared scooter. 

Safety and access were top priorities as we opened applications for our FY25-FY26 Powered Scooter Share Program. 

We’re excited to share the operators we selected, how we evaluated applications and what you can expect from the program when it kicks off on July 1. 

Announcing our shared scooter operators: Lime and Spin

After careful review, we selected Lime and Spin for new two-year permits to the program. You may recognize these scooter companies. They currently hold scooter share permits that end in June. 

Starting July 1, Lime and Spin will be able to operate up to 2,750 shared devices each. This is the same number they currently manage. 

The review process: helping you take safe, accessible trips at fair prices

We reviewed every application based on a standardized evaluation scorecard.

The criteria included:

  • Safety features
  • Adaptive devices
  • Pricing
  • Community engagement 

Focusing on these areas, we issued permits that meet San Francisco’s high standards for safety, equity, accessibility and accountability. Our decisions also aligned with the SFMTA’s Guiding Principles for Emerging Mobility Services and Technologies

Students smile while riding shared scooters with accessibility features.

Students from AccessSFUSD gave feedback on various shared devices.

Incorporating your feedback as we support innovation: safety and access updates 

We're grateful for your feedback as we support smart mobility programs like shared scooters. Your questions and comments help us prioritize the right needs. They also help us choose the best partners.

We heard that many of you are concerned with people riding scooters on the sidewalk. We also heard about the need for more adaptive devices. As a result, we made changes to our requirements for the program. 

Increased safety

All shared scooter devices now have sidewalk detection technology. This helps reduce sidewalk riding and provides a direct way for operators to report it. 

Person rides a shared scooter that features a basket through Golden Gate Park.

Riding a seated scooter with a basket.

Accessible options

We have also required operators to offer adaptive devices. That means people with and without disabilities will have more options. 

These types of devices have features like seats with backrests, larger wheels and baskets. The result: increased safety and accessibility. Both Lime and Spin will offer shared scooters with seats and other adaptive features for your use.

Delivering on your needs: future evaluation and support

We will continue to monitor each operator to make sure they are following the terms and conditions of their permits.

We will also continue installing bike parking citywide. This will help ensure there is enough parking for privately owned bicycles and shared micromobility options, including bikeshare and scooter share.

Our agency is also developing a new Biking and Rolling Plan, which we expect to adopt in early 2025. This new plan will direct future changes to the biking and rolling network. It will support infrastructure, programs and policies for people who bike and roll. It also covers all devices that can legally use the biking and rolling network, such as scooters.

More ways to learn and engage

We invite you to read our shared scooter program policy memo that details the selection process for these permits and provides. You can also find more background on the scooter share program on our Powered Scooter Shared Permit Program webpage (

We also encourage you to continue sharing feedback about the shared scooter program. You can email us at