Livable Streets Facebook Page to Merge With SFMTA’s Main Page

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Friday, October 14, 2016

The SFMTA’s Livable Streets team leads our agency’s crucial mission of making San Francisco a better, safer place to walk and bike. As part of our efforts to share more of that work and expand the conversation about safer streets, we’re making some changes to our social media channels.

On October 28, our “SFMTA Livable Streets” Facebook page will merge with our main “SFMTA" Facebook page. This means that all of our bike and pedestrian-related info will be posted via our main Facebook page, and the “Livable Streets” page will become inactive.

A screenshot of the SFMTA Livable Streets Facebook page.

A screenshot of the SFMTA Livable Streets Facebook page.

This update is part of how we’re working to highlight safer streets more strongly in all of our conversations. For Livable Streets fans, this means more updates and details, not less.

As early fans might remember, the Livable Streets page actually launched before the SFMTA’s main Facebook page. Since then, it’s provided an easy forum for folks to engage in lively discussions about how to create safer, calmer streets - whether it’s improvements like more sidewalk extensions, protected bike lanes or other engineering measures.

We want to open up the dialogue about those kinds of changes, which are key to reaching Vision Zero - an end to traffic deaths - and opening up more affordable, healthier ways to get around. This change is just one sign of how we’re working to ensure safety is integral in everything we do.