Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!

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Friday, October 31, 2014

Many thanks to our friends at ACCESS SFUSD, led by Heidi Seretan, for sharing these great photos showing off their Muni Halloween costumes!

ACCESS SFUSD is a community based program for students 18-22 with disabilities. The program focuses on teaching functional life skills within the community setting. They strive to help students discover their passions, unlock their potential, and become involved members of the community. We are proud to be one of many city agencies which provide vocational training opportunities to this wonderful program.

Heidi Seretan is also the chair of SFMTA’s Accessibility Advisory Committee, the MAAC. This group of 21 seniors, people with disabilities, and agency representatives works closely with the SFMTA to provide guidance on how to improve SFMTA’s service for seniors and people with disabilities. They have helped us with the design many of our accessible light rail stops, provided feedback on the interior layout of our newest buses, participated in operator trainings, and provided guidance on many Muni service changes. Their input is invaluable!

A blonde and brunette woman stand side by side with handmade blue sandwich board signs that read "Clipper"
ACCESS SFUSD staff members Jen Kabbabe and Heidi Seretan 

A young man in a Muni Operator's uniform stands in front of a Muni service map.
ACCESS SFUSD student Bryan Deng in his fabulous Muni Operator costume