Connect SF: Help Shape SF's Transportation Future at Pop-Up Events and Online

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

A bustling crosswalk, cars and Muni buses at Mission and 4th streets.

Mission and 4th streets.

When thinking about creating a better transportation system in San Francisco over the next 50 years, which values like equity, safety, sustainability and economy vitality are most important to you?

We’re asking that question with on-street pop-up tabling events around the city and an online survey as part of Connect SF, an effort between city agencies to create a vision for transportation in San Francisco over the next five decades.

For the first phase of Connect SF last fall, we asked San Franciscans to draw their dream subway map to help create our Subway Vision.

This summer, we’ll expand our effort by working with the new Connect SF Futures Task Force, which is made up of neighborhood leaders, transportation advocates, community groups, regional voices, civic leaders and business representatives.

The task force will work with experts, from within and outside of government, to develop several potential scenarios for what transportation could look like in 50 years. Members of the public will have a chance this summer to tell the task force how they envision their life in each possible future, which will help the task force develop a vision that reflects our goals as a city.

Before task force members can look to the future, they need to hear from everyday San Franciscans about their values, which is why we are going out to neighborhoods and conducting an online survey to ask them. 

Two women, one holding a walker, talk to a city staff member at a Connect SF table on a sidewalk in the Western Addition.

At our first pop-up table event in the Western Addition on Saturday, neighbors shared their values for how to improve our transportation system.

Come share your Connect SF vision at one of these table events:

  • May 9 – Embarcadero

    Market at Davis Street, 4 to 7 p.m.
  • May 10 – Chinatown

    Washington Street and Walter U. Lum Place, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

    *Cantonese translation will be available
  • May 13 – Excelsior

    Mission Street and Ocean Avenue, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    *Spanish translation will be available
  • May 16 – Tenderloin

    246 Eddy Street, 4 to 7 p.m.
  • May 20 – Outer Sunset

    22nd Avenue and Irving Street, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    *Cantonese translation will be available
  • May 23 – Visitacion Valley Library

    201 Leland Avenue, 3 to 6 p.m.

Values for the Future

At the pop-ups and in the online survey, we’ll ask which of these values are most important to you today and in the decades to come.

  • Equity: All users of the transportation system have equitable and affordable access to desired goods, services, activities and destinations.

  • Safety and Livability: People have attractive and safe travel options that support health, support livable neighborhoods and address the needs of all users.

  • Environmental Sustainability: The transportation system supports a healthy environment and sustainable choices for future generations.

  • Economic Vitality: People and businesses can easily access key destinations for jobs and commerce, including established and growing neighborhoods within San Francisco and the region.

Help shape the future of transportation in San Francisco by letting us know about your values.