27 Bryant Project Wins IAP2 Outreach Award

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

IAP2 award

The SFMTA is always looking for ways to improve service and ensuring the public is consistently kept in the loop regarding transit improvements is a big part of that. In recognition of our hard work with outreach, the SFMTA received high honors from the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) USA. The IAP2 USA Core Values Award for Respect for Diversity, Inclusion and Culture was presented at the annual IAP2 North American Conference in Charlotte, last week.

We have been working to improve service along the 27 Bryant Line, which is one of the ten slowest routes in the Muni transit network and averages only 4.5 to 5 miles per hour. The 27 Bryant travels through San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood where many residents are from diverse backgrounds and rely heavily on transit. Because service changes affect different people in many different ways, we engaged the public in the conversation early and often.

Stakeholders included passengers, residents and merchants of different cultural backgrounds, ages and abilities – many with limited English language skills. We employed a variety of tools and techniques to ensure people had the opportunity to participate in the project’s development. Strategies included a walk/ride audit, open houses, meetings with community organizations, canvassing of local merchants, email updates and a project website – all with an emphasis on multi-lingual engagement. Watch our short video to learn more about the project and outreach process.

The outreach process took eighteen months and service changes were implemented in August with pedestrian safety improvements continuing through the fall. IAP2 Core Values Awards judges noted that the outreach “hit all targeted audiences”. They also noted that solutions were developed with the input of the public and that SFMTA staff constantly checked back with the public, to re-confirm that they had been heard.

SFMTA also received Honorable Mention in the General Project category for the Geary Rapid Project, and in 2016 it received the award for Creativity and Innovation for the Van Ness Improvement Project.

Improving Reliability, Reducing Crowded Buses and Fixing Delays.