1.6 Parking and Charging of Personal Mobility Devices

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Key Takeaway: The lack of designated charging locations in San Francisco makes it difficult for people who use electric wheelchairs and adaptive navigation equipment to get around the city. Installing publicly accessible charging stations could expand the accessibility of outdoor and recreational activities in San Francisco. 

People who use personal mobility devices, such as motorized wheelchairs, require facilities that allow for and encourage their use, including safe parking and charging. 

In the spring of 2024, the San Francisco Fellows program, in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office on Disability, researched and evaluated the feasibility of installing electric wheelchair charging stations in San Francisco public spaces through the Community Survey for Electric Wheelchair Charging Stations.  The survey is one of several methods used to collect feedback from the public and city stakeholders and will help ensure charging stations are useful and make it easier for powered mobility device and electric wheelchair users to navigate San Francisco. 

The majority of wheelchair users who responded that the installation of electric wheelchair charging stations in public places would significantly impact their day-to-day life. 

  • 43% of electric wheelchair users said they worry "very often" about their electric wheelchair or mobility device running out of battery. Another 29% said they worried "often" about this issue. 
  • 67% of electric wheelchair users said they would be "very likely" to use indoor charging stations. 62% said they would be "very likely" to use outdoor charging stations.