8. Paratransit Eligibility and Enrollment

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SF Paratransit offers a range of transportation services, from individual taxi rides to group shuttles. Each service has distinct eligibility criteria and enrollment processes to meet the diverse needs of their users.

  • SF Access requires applicants to demonstrate a functional inability to use regular transit, evaluated through a detailed application and potential secondary assessments. Appeals are allowed if eligibility is denied. Once enrolled, reservations for service can be made online or by phone, with options for subscription service and reminder calls. 
  • The Paratransit Taxi and Essential Trip Card (ETC) services provide taxi debit cards to eligible riders who must activate the cards and add funds through various methods. These services allow flexible taxi hailing via street, phone, or app, with details provided in orientation packets.
  • Group Van services require ADA paratransit eligibility and participation in specific programs. This service features coordinated trip scheduling between agencies and service providers. 
  • The Shop-A-Round and Van Gogh services cater to seniors and disabled individuals, with enrollment based on submitting registration forms and proof of eligibility. Shop-A-Round offers scheduled shuttle rides to grocery stores and taxi trips to particular areas. Van Gogh offers group trips organized by a designated coordinator.