Balboa Park Station Community Advisory Committee

This is an archive of a past committee.

New Shops at Elkton with Southern Pacific Train Passing Elkton Station in Background | January 25, 1907

New Shops at Elkton with Southern Pacific Train Passing Elkton Station in Background | January 25, 1907

The Balboa Park Community Advisory Committee was established through Board of Supervisors legislation enacted on March 5, 2012, sponsored by Supervisor John Avalos (District 11).  The committee is responsible for advising a number of public agencies making improvements to the Balboa Park Station area.  These agencies include the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, the San Francisco Planning Department, the Department of Public Works (DPW), the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART), and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).  The BPCAC will meet periodically to provide feedback and ensure that staff are delivering improvements that are timely and of high benefit to the community.



  • Provide input and community oversight on the prioritization and implementation of the transportation and other public improvements
  • Ensure balanced implementation of the plans for the Balboa Park Station Area, guide prioritization, and oversee timely progress of public improvement projects.
  • Relay information between public agencies and community stakeholders.
  • Provide a forum for coordination, information-sharing, and collaboration between community, transportation agencies, and developers.
  • Monitor the progress of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART), the Transportation Authority, the Department of Public Works (DPW), the San Francisco Planning Department and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in advancing plans and public improvement projects; track project development responsibilities and timelines, collaborate with transportation agencies



The committee is comprised of nine members that represent the various constituencies that are major stakeholders in the transit area redevelopment.  These interests include the following:

  1. Low-Income or underserved communities
  2. Youth and families
  3. Students, faculty and staff (particularly from City College or other area schools)
  4. Senior/disabled community
  5. Transit riders 
  6. Pedestrians and bicyclists
  7. Neighborhood residents
  8. Community and economic development
  9. Land use or community housing





Committee Members

Balboa Park Station Area Citizen Advisory Committee Members






Committee Member

Seat 1

Underserved Communities Interests

Tiffany Ng

Seat 2

Youth and Families Interests

Nell Selander

Seat 3

Students, Faculty + Staff Interests

Javier Vigil

Seat 4

Senior + Disabled Persons Interests

Vacant as of January 2018.

Seat 5

Transit Riders Interests

Robert Muehlbauer

Seat 6

Pedestrian + Bicyclists interests

Jason Chommanard

Seat 7

Neighborhood Resident Interests

Aaron Goodman

Seat 8

Community Development Interests

Luis Licea

Seat 9

Land Use + Housing Interests

Jessie Fernandez


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