Transit Tuesday

Transit Costs and Conveniences

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

This week we’re sharing an informative piece from The Atlantic’s CityLab blog on a recent study that looked at how city planners define what is and isn’t “close to transit.”

How far will commuters walk for transit, and what is the cost of that convenience? These questions were examined by a recent study from the University of Arizona (.pdf) presented last month at the 94th annual Transportation Research Board meeting.

The study, and another from the University of Minnesota (.pdf), argued that transit-oriented development areas may extend further than conventional wisdom holds. In this country, that is that a ¼ of a mile is an “acceptable” walking distance for the average commuter, while train stations can be up to ½ a mile.

With thousands of commuters on Muni every day, we appreciate this fascinating look at how folks are commuting in other parts of the country.

On Tuesdays we bring you a tidbit of transit news or trivia, either from our own backyard or from around the globe. Thanks for joining us.

J Church stop at Market Street
The J Church platform at Church and Market streets. August 26, 2014