Meet the Vision Zero Hero at Bay to Breakers This Sunday

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Friday, May 19, 2017

Two photos of a man in costume as the Vision Zero Hero, wearing a cape, a wig, a bicycle helmet and eye mask, holding a speed radar and sign that says, "SPEED LIMIT 25."

The Vision Zero Hero at Bike to Work Day on May 11.

As San Francisco opens its arms this Sunday to Bay to Breakers, its annual tradition of costumes, revelry and (a bit of) athletics, a new participant will be in the mix: the SFMTA’s Vision Zero Hero.

If you plan to join the event, keep your eyes peeled for a photo op with our caped safety hero, who will run (or let’s be honest – jog) in the race to call attention to Vision Zero, the citywide effort to end traffic fatalities. The Vision Zero Hero is among San Francisco’s newest mascots, and will join caped heroes in other major cities in advocating for safer, more livable streets.

The cheerful spirit of Bay to Breakers, when tens of thousands safely use our streets to make their way from the bay to Ocean Beach, is inspiring. It’s a unique opportunity for San Francisco’s residents and visitors to experience an extensive length of our streets without vehicle traffic, and the Vision Zero Hero will be there to celebrate what's possible when we reimagine them.

The Vision Zero Hero won't be the only participant in costume at Bay to Breakers, but our hero may well be the only one with a handheld speed radar device – the kind used to defend people from speeding cars.

Come find the Vision Zero Hero before the race at starting corral H (the Family Corral), and during the race at the intersection of Baker and Fell streets, to take a pic and learn more about Vision Zero.

For more information about how to get to Bay to Breakers and its impact on traffic and Muni service, see our Bay to Breakers alert page. Learn more about Vision Zero at