SFMTA Employee Commute Pilot

Important Program Change!

Happy July and thank you to everyone for their impressive participation in the SFMTA Employee Ride & Reward Pilot Program!

This program had more than double our planned participation which is absolutely amazing and we are so proud to work with so many dedicated colleagues. The downside is that our program budget is nearly spent a month early and we will not be able to offer what we have in the past.

The good news is that we will continue our program through July as planned, providing the ability for folks to receive rewards, however in July it will be through a prize drawing. Throughout July, every non-car commute trip you log, up to 2 per day, will enter you into a drawing for one of five $200 cash prizes. Take two non-car trips in July, you’re entered twice. Take 30 trips, you get 30 entries. The more you travel, the greater the chances. We’ll draw and announce the winners during the first week of August. Thank you so much for participating!

What is this program and how does it work?

SFMTA wants to make getting to work easier for you, when you are able to take transit, ride a bike or take a scooter, or carpool. The Employee Ride and Reward Program is a six-month pilot program that will give you monetary rewards to use transit, bikes and scooters, and/or carpool! In addition to these rewards, you can get a stipend for an annual Bay Wheels membership, a membership to the bike coalition of your choice, or discounts to lease or purchase  your own bike. The program also offers additional rewards and recognition for top finishers each month and for continued use. If enough people use this pilot, SFMTA may be able to continue this program!

What are the start and end dates of the Ride and Reward Program?

The Employee Ride and Reward Program runs from Monday, February 14 and operates through Sunday, July 31, 2022. If this pilot program proves successful, SFMTA may be able to extend this program!

How do I participate in the Ride and Reward Program?

  1. First sign up for an account.

  2. For the Employer Invite Code, enter one of these codes based on your worksite:

  • 700 Penn: sfmta700penn
  • Flynn: sfmtaflynn
  • Potrero: sfmtapotrero
  • Woods: sfmtawoods

Please note this pilot program is only available to staff who work regularly at one of these four sites. Success of this pilot will lead to opportunities to expand it to all employees.

  1. Then download the “Move With Fleet” app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and use the email address and password you created for your account.

  2. Add your commute trips in the app to automatically earn cash rewards and monthly leaderboard prizes!

  3. Every employee who signs up is issued an electronic debit card, viewable on the Move With Fleet app. Use this card to spend your reward money!

How can I learn more about my commute options?

There are many trip planners, apps, and other benefits and resources available to help you find and choose a commute that works for you.

  • The BART trip planner includes transit throughout the Bay Area and includes directions to drive or bike as part of your transit trip.
  • Here is a list of apps for transit, biking, carpooling, and more:
  • Google Maps and Apple Maps offer directions for transit, cycling, and walking.
  • The City and County of San Francisco offers employee transportation programs,
  • We encourage you to check out the many other resources at 511.org, the Bay Area’s regional hub for travel information. Your home county may even offer you additional rewards and incentives for choosing an alternative commute! Use 511.org to view available programs organized by transportation mode.

How do I report my commute trips in the Move With Fleet app?

Reporting your commute trips is the key to earning rewards automatically in the Ride and Reward Program. In the Move With Fleet app, you can report your trips starting from the Home tab or the Trips tab.

In the Home tab, scroll down to the “My Trips” section and tap on the plus (+) sign.

In the “Trips” tab, tap on the plus (+) sign on the bottom right.


home Screen exampleExample of calendar view in app

In either case, tapping on the plus symbol will open an “Add Trip” popup window. Select a date, time range, start and end location, and tap on the mode(s) of transportation you used. Then tap on “Add Trip.”

Example of Add Trip screen window in app

When do I report trips in the Move With Fleet app?

You can report your commute trips at any time within the current calendar month. While it’s easiest to add trips as you go, you have until the last day of each month to report all trips you made that month. After that, your trips calendar is locked and then rewards are distributed for qualifying trips and leaderboards, and the next month’s calendar starts.

What specific types of rides qualify for rewards through this program?

You have a lot of options to ride to work and get rewards through the Ride and Reward Program. Here are all of the modes of transportation that qualify for rewards. When you report a trip in the Move With Fleet app, tap to select the mode(s) you used for your commute. Contact us if you have a question about whether a specific type of ride qualifies for rewards.

  • Bike: your own bike, or e-bike
  • Scooter: your own kickscooter, electric or not. Includes skateboards, roller skates, hoverboards, solowheels, too.
  • Moped: your own two-wheeled gas or electric vehicle. A motorcycle qualifies too.
  • Carpool: two or more commuters in a vehicle, includes casual/informal carpools, carpools set up through Waze Carpool, Scoop, Merge, or any other platform. Any of these carpool methods qualify for trip incentives. To qualify for preferred carpool parking at your worksite, you must carpool with a coworker to the same worksite in order to park there that day.
  • Vanpool: a commute with seven or more people in a vehicle (4 during COVID)
  • Shuttle: a public or private shuttle. Treated the same way as transit.
  • Bikeshare: a bike or e-bike that you can rent for a limited amount of time, such as Bay Wheels
  • Scootershare: a scooter/e-scooter that you can rent, like Skip
  • Mopedshare: a moped that you can rent, like Scoot
  • Transit: public transit

How do I participate in the Merge program for carpooling?

Go to merge.511.org on your computer or a browser in your smartphone/tablet.

  1. Register for a Merge account, then create your carpool profile and preferences: on the top of the Merge page, click on “Dashboard”
  2. Look for “My Commutes” and click on “Let’s Go” to create a Saved Commute.
  3. Fill in the info about your commute and your preferences. To carpool only with other SFMTA employees, under “I want to be matched with,” select “SFMTA”.
  4. After you save your commute, then click on the “Carpool” button under your commute to find potential carpool matches.
  5. You can use the tools provided to filter more, see carpooler details, and contact them to set up a carpool.
  6. Log your carpool trips in Merge to earn points for the MTC subsidy. Points can be redeemed for e-gift cards worth up to $25 per month.

How do I use on-site parking for carpools?

To qualify for a space set aside for carpoolers, you must travel with at least one other person who works at one of the four pilot sites. Parking spaces will be available to carpoolers on a first-come, first-serve basis. If there is significant demand, we will work with site supervisors to try to designate additional spaces for carpoolers.

How do I take advantage of my pre-tax benefits for transit?

To enroll in the CCSF Pre-Tax Commuter Benefits Program, you must first create an account at HealthEquity/WageWorks. For that, you will need the last four digits of your DSW number located on the back of your City ID badge. Your DSW number is your ID Code. Visit the Wageworks website for frequently asked questions about pre-tax commuter benefits for City employees.

I want to start a vanpool. What do I do?

Start with 511.org, which offers assistance and subsidies to set up a vanpool with a group of commuters. While it’s a significant undertaking, there are also many vanpool subsidies and incentives available.

Also, for the SFMTA Ride and Reward program, if you vanpool, report your vanpool trips in the Move With Fleet app to earn a reward or $1 per trip, up to $40 a month. Let us know if you set up a vanpool. We’d love to hear about it!

What if I carpooled to work but I have to go home early because of an emergency?

If you walk, bike, take transit, carpool, or ride shared mobility (with the exception of car share) to work in San Francisco, you’re eligible for a free, guaranteed ride home in case of an emergency. Read more about this SF Environment program.

How do I track my rewards earnings?

All your reward money is tracked in the Move With Fleet app and available to spend using a personalized electronic debit card that is issued to every participant. Open the Move With Fleet app, and tap on the “Rewards” tab. There you can see your total available balance, and details of how you earned your money in both the Incentives section and in the Leaderboards section.

How do I buy things using my reward money?

There are several ways to use the Fleet debit card to make purchases.

  1. Use your electronic debit card for online purchases. Open the Move With Fleet app, and tap on the “Cards” tab. This displays all the information necessary to use the debit card, including card number, card holder name, expiry date, 3-digit security code, and billing address.
  2. Use your electronic debit card for physical or online purchases by mobile phone. If your mobile phone uses Apple Pay or Google Pay or other wallet-type tap-to-pay services, you may enroll your electronic debit card in that service.
  3. Request a physical debit card to make physical purchases. If you prefer to have a physical debit card, request one through our team at StaffRewards@sfmta.com. You will still have an electronic debit card, but the physical card will have a different card number and security code. Both electronic and physical cards will reflect your reward balance.

Track your spending activity in the Move With Fleet app in the “Activity” tab.

I prefer to carpool, transit, or bike not because of the reward money, but because it’s better for the environment, healthier for me, reduces parking conflicts with residents near our SFMTA facilities, and because it’s simply the better thing to do.

Fantastic! We realize that not everyone is motivated by the same reasons, and while the pilot Ride and Reward Program is focused on monetary rewards, we welcome your ideas to satisfy other motivations as well. In the meantime, if you don’t want to use the monetary rewards you’ve earned on yourself, you can use the Fleet debit card to donate to your favorite charity, or you can elect not to spend it at all. Please drop us a note to tell us what motivates you and any ideas you have to help others feel rewarded even if the rewards aren’t monetary!

How did you choose the sites to be included in this pilot program?

We have selected four sites for this pilot program: Woods, Flynn, Potrero, and 700 Pennsylvania. These four sites represent one-third of the SFMTA employee population and half of our operators. Additionally, these sites are easily accessible to nearby transit and bike and scooter options compared to other sites. If many employees use this pilot program, we hope to open it to all SFMTA employees.

What’s the catch? What other obligations do I have for participating in the pilot?

As an SFMTA employee, you are upheld to a high standard of integrity and this program is no exception, including the following expectations:

  • You will use a home address that accurately represents your commute, because some rewards are calculated based on where you live.
  • You will report all your commute trips in the app, even if you drive alone.
  • You will report your commute trips accurately by mode(s) traveled for the purpose of earning rewards you are entitled to according to the rules and intent of this program.
  • If preferred carpool parking is available at your worksite, you agree to only park in such a space if you carpooled with a coworker to your worksite that day.
  • Bike and scooter subsidies should be used to benefit your commute, not for others such as family members or friends.
  • You agree to provide feedback from time to time by responding to surveys (up to 3) and sending emails or contacting us if you have questions or comments.

How do I provide feedback or ideas to make the program better?

We absolutely welcome any feedback you may have about this pilot program, especially because it is a pilot! There is no one better to give feedback on a commuter program than you, the commuter! If you have anything to share during the pilot, please let us know! Our contact info is below. We will also have a survey at the end of this six-month pilot and encourage you to share more.

Who do I contact if I need help?

For questions about the Employee Ride and Reward Program, contact our team at StaffRewards@sfmta.com or 415.646.2421.

If you are using the Move With Fleet app, you can view all these FAQs in the app. At the top left of the app screen, tap on the three horizontal bars, then select FAQ. You can also contact us with the contact info above.

The SF Department of Environment offers a Sustainable Transportation Hotline for CCSF employees. Call them at 415.355.3700 or email commutesmart@sfgov.org and you can expect a reply within 1-2 business days.


Contact Information
John Knox White