Online Proof of Correction Form

If you have been cited for one of the compliance violations listed below, you can use this form to pay your $10 compliance fee once the issue has been corrected.

Your request will be processed within three (3) business days.

If submitting payment for multiple compliance citations you must close and relaunch your browser for each payment. 

To complete the form, please:

  1. Fill in the citation number, your name, and email address
  2. Upload either:
    1. A copy of the citation or proof of correction form with officer sign-off; or
    2. A photo showing the correction 
  3. Click “Submit”
  4. On the next page, click “Make Payment” to complete the transaction

Citation Types and Required Actions:

  • Expired/Missing Registration Tabs - Vehicle Code 5204A
    • Please place the current registration tab in the appropriate location on the rear license plate
  • No Back/Front Plate - Vehicle Code 5200
    • Mount plate(s) in the appropriate location on the front/rear bumper. If you do not have a front/rear plate, go to DMV immediately to replace it or have new plates issued.
  • Plates Mounted in Wrong Location - Vehicle Code 5201
    • Mount plate(s) in the appropriate location on the front/rear bumper.
  • Having a Plate Cover - Vehicle Code 5201B
    • Remove the plate cover
  • Expired Registration - Vehicle Code 4000A
    • Please register your vehicle

You can look up citation information based on your license plate here. 

Mail in the Proof of Correction Form if you are unable to complete the online form below.

the citation types listed above are eligible for a Proof of Correction. Please
pay or protest your citation. Information is available at

*Upload file must be less than 20 MB