36 Teresita on Myra Way Survey

Thank you to all the riders and neighbors who took our 36 Teresita on Myra Way survey. Buses have operated on this alignment for over 30 years, however, to address recent concerns, we looked at several options to improve the safety and accessibility for buses and residents in the neighborhood.

Based on the survey results and feedback received, service will continue on Myra Way and there are no plans for parking removal at this time.

Next steps include:

  • Remind operators that backing up is not allowed unless an inspector is present
  • Coordinate with Department of Public Works to address tree growth
  • As the agency accepts the new 30-foot buses that are equipped with rear-facing cameras, the 36 Teresita will be prioritized to receive these buses
  • Continue to monitor this portion of the route and reevaluate as needed

We want to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the 36 Teresita, so please let us know if any new concerns arise.