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Lower Great Highway Pedestrian Improvements Project - 9/14 Public Hearing

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Revised Near-term Proposal Public Hearing

The Lower Great Highway Pedestrian Improvements Project revised near-term proposal is going to Public Hearing next Friday. This is your opportunity to weigh in on the proposal since changes were made based on the feedback received at the first Public Hearing. Changes include a reduction in the number of proposed visibility zones and the addition of angled parking as a near-term measure. 

SFMTA Engineering Public Hearing
Friday, September 14 @ 10 AM
City Hall, Room 416 (Hearing Room 4)

You can email your comments to (cc if you cannot attend in person. Comments received over email and in person at the hearing are considered equally. Public Hearing notices have also been posted along Lower Great Highway.

In summary, the revised near-term proposal includes:

 • Red visibility zones (-20 parking spaces)
 • Painted safety zones (-12 parking spaces)
 • Back-in angled parking (+18 parking spaces; Kirkham to Lawton streets, west side only)
 • Signage improvements
 • Refreshed and updated roadway striping (including new marked crosswalks at Kirkham Street)

Together, the revised proposal would remove a net 14 parking spaces over the entire 2-mile, 18-intersection corridor. You can review the various project documents to help inform your comments:

 • Near-term Improvements Map (revised)
 • Near-term Improvements - Intersection Details
 • Angled Parking - Kirkham to Lawton Detail
 • Near-term Fact Sheet (revised)

Open House for Medium-Term Proposal

The project team will hold a second Open House on September 12th to present medium-term proposals to the community and collect your feedback. Information on the revised near-term proposal will also be available.

Wednesday, September 12th
6 PM to 8 PM (Drop in at anytime)
Sunset Cooperative Nursery School
4245 Lawton Street   

The medium-term proposal will include a median island, raised crosswalks, and new signage.

Please send any questions, comments, or concerns to Nick Smith at