Transportation Recovery Plan Dashboards

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Tracking Progress on our Recovery

As we gradually emerge from shelter-in-place and economic activity resumes, San Francisco is purposefully rebuilding our transportation system to facilitate a resilient recovery. The SFMTA Transportation Recovery Plan (TRP) is guided by evolving public health orders and health recommendations made by experts at the San Francisco Department of Public Health and supports the resumption of economic activities. The TRP includes solutions to meet transportation needs driven by the health crisis and works to address longstanding challenges. In short, the SFMTA wants transportation to return better than before.

Due to the changing nature of this pandemic, the TRP is nimble and aligns with easily trackable metrics and indicators. Evaluation of the TRP as a whole relies on existing data and the evaluation plans for the individual strategies, programs and projects that make up the TRP. As more data becomes available, these dashboards will be a vital tool in informing changes we need to make in our public health mitigation measures, addressing gaps and making adjustments within our TRP programs and informing future service changes.  

The SFMTA recognizes inherited and enduring inequities that the COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated. Our goal is to work against these inequities and prioritize those who have been historically underserved. The SFMTA will evaluate equity outcomes at each level of the TRP, including increasing overall mobility of historically marginalized communities, ensuring equitable distribution of mobility benefits, and prioritizing tailored interventions that are responsive to the unique needs of marginalized communities.

Below we describe the metrics and key indicators associated with each TRP objective.

Objective 1: Health and Safety

Protect the health and safety of SFMTA employees and the public by applying public health approved mitigation measures to agency operations and practices.

The health and safety of SFMTA employees and the public has been our number one priority since the beginning of the COVID health crisis and will remain our priority for the duration of our recovery. It is critical that we implement mitigation measures that limit the possibility of exposure to, and transmission of, COVID-19. This dashboard tracks the metrics associated with our health and safety objectives, specifically the degree to which SFMTA is sanitizing vehicles and facilities, promoting physical distancing, and encouraging mask compliance.

Objective 2: Economic Recovery

Support a strong economic recovery by enabling innovative uses of the right of way (including streets and sidewalks) and promoting efficient transportation modes such as walking and bicycling, while protecting transit for those who depend on it.

The second objective of the TRP is to support a strong economic recovery by ensuring the transportation network evolves to meet changing mobility needs of the region. As the Bay Area progresses from shelter-in-place through each level of increasing economic activity, we will promote efficient transportation alternatives such as walking and bicycling. Innovative programs such as the city’s Shared Spaces program and SFMTA’s Slow Streets help San Francisco to activate the right-of-way for physically distant, open air economic activity and recreational use. In addition, these programs help ensure that Muni Service is available for essential workers and those who depend on it by expanding a variety of alternatives. This dashboard demonstrates the SFMTA’s progress in advancing the Slow Streets and Shared Spaces program, as well as the availability of alternative modes.

Objective 3: Equity

Support a just recovery by prioritizing policies and programs that reduce the risk of creating new inequities, and address existing disparities for historically marginalized communities.

SFMTA recognizes inherited and enduring inequities that have been exacerbated due to the COVID-19 crisis. It is imperative our emergency measures respond to, not ignore or worsen, the mobility needs of historically marginalized communities and our most vulnerable populations. Our Muni Core Service Plan prioritizes lines serving people of color, low-income communities, seniors, and other marginalized populations. We launched our Essentail Trip Card (ETC) Program to provide a limited number of deeply discounted taxi trips to supplement our Muni COVID-19 Core Service for older riders and persons with disabilities needing to make essential trips; we are actively tracking enrollment and trips taken through the program. We are also working to distribute our emergency capital improvements and shared mobility options equitably across the city.  

Objective 4: Climate and Sustainability

Advance the agency’s sustainability and climate goals.

SFMTA is committed to advancing climate and environmental justice for San Francisco and the region by reducing emissions and promoting efficient modes of travel. Our climate goals of increasing efficient and sustainable mode share and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 are especially important as traffic congestion returns. The SFMTA is monitoring citywide congestion levels throughout our recovery as well as the trips taken by mode.

Objective 5: Infrastructure and Mobility

Adapt and implement transportation infrastructure and services to meet the demands of the current crisis and enable long-term mobility strategies.

The TRP is San Francisco’s opportunity to address the shortcomings of our transportation system and recover purposefully. Emergency measures we put in place now not only help us to meet the demands of the current crisis but lay the groundwork for future mobility needs. That’s why we are documenting the physical changes we are making to our system throughout the crisis as well as our Muni Service performance.

Additional COVID-19 Data and Resources