FINAL UPDATE: IB #NJudah is resuming service. (More: 30 in last 48 hours)

Muni mean distance between failure

Friday, December 1, 2023

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Resiliency: A transportation system prepared for rapid economic, environmental and social change.


Muni mean distance between failure


The mean distance between failure (MDBF) measures the transit fleet’s mechanical reliability and success of preventative maintenance efforts. A higher MDBF value indicates improving the mechanical performance of our fleet and better service reliability for Muni customers.


MDBF is determined by the total vehicle mileage divided by the total chargeable road calls, or disruptions due to mechanical failures, and is reported by mode.


sum ([vehicle mileage]) ÷ sum ([chargeable road calls])


Achieve 12,000 MDBF for Motor Coach and Trolley Coach, 5,500 MDBF for LRV (Breda), 25,000 for LRV (Siemens), and 2,900 MDBF for Historic Streetcar in FY 22-23.

Reporting Frequency



For questions, comments, and accessibility issues, please contact the Performance Team at


April 2020-December 2020: Due to COVID-19, Siemens LRVs and Breda LRVs were not in service.

April 2020-May 2021: Due to COVID-19, Historic Streetcars were not in service.

Reported results are subject to change as data quality improves or new data becomes available.


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