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Geary Boulevard Improvement Project Office Hours

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Aug 8
(outside in the parklet)

Rendering of Geary Boulevard at 20th Avenue showing new transit lanes and bus stop relocations.

Have questions about the Geary Boulevard Improvement Project? Please join us for a community office hours event, where you can talk to staff about the project proposals, share feedback and learn how to provide public comment at the upcoming SFMTA Board of Directors hearing.

No presentation will be given for this informal event; you may drop in anytime. We encourage attendees to buy lunch while you are there and help support local business!

Tuesday, August 8, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Hummus Bodega (outside in the parklet on 20th Ave)
5549 Geary Boulevard

Please note: This session is not part of the public hearing. There will be an opportunity to make public comment about this project at the upcoming SFMTA Board of Directors hearing on August 15

This is an outdoor event, please wear appropriate attire for the weather.

You can also review the project proposals online and send your questions or comments to or 415.646.2300.